Buying a Puppy?
Protect yourself by following our guidelines
However much you want a puppy, the importance of taking your time and doing research is the best way to ensure that you aren’t going to be scammed and will hopefully bring home the right puppy for your personal circumstances and a healthy, well socialised puppy that will grow into a dog that becomes your best friend for life.
Before you do anything
Before you do anything, have a consultation with a vet. This is known as a pre-purchase consultation. A vet will be able to talk through your options and perhaps highlight things you may not have considered – especially if you have a particular breed of dog in mind.
See the mother
Always see the mother interacting with the litter of puppies while they are still suckling before making your choice. Then see your puppy and his or her mum when the puppy is weaned. If a breeder isn’t prepared to do this, steer clear.
Ease of sale
If you can bring home a puppy straight way, this is not a breeder that cares about the welfare of the mother or puppy, they just want a quick sale. A high welfare breeder will not let you take a puppy home after one visit (unless they know you personally).
Don’t use cash! Paying with cash means that your puppy’s breeder won’t be traceable should something go wrong. Some breeders take cards, bank drafts and cheques. If they only accept cash, this is a warning sign.
If a deposit is required, do not send a bank transfer. Instead use a reputable holding deposit site such as Pet Buying Protection ( or if purchasing via an ad on Pets4Homes, insist on using their holding deposit scheme for your own protection ( Your money will not be transferred to the breeder unless you are happy to proceed once you have your puppy.
Always, and this is VERY important, insist the breeder uses The Puppy Contract! If a breeder isn’t prepared to use this document, steer clear. Read more here:
KC Registered vs Kennel Club Assured.
Do not trust that if a puppy is advertised as ‘KC registered’ it means that the welfare of the parent dog or puppy is important to that seller. ‘KC registered’ simply means that the litter has been registered. It does not mean anything else. Many puppy buyers are fooled into believing that this is a sign of good welfare. It is not. Puppy farmers have been registering their litters with the Kennel Club for years and continue to do so.
The difference between a KC registered puppy and a Kennel Club Assured Breeder is HUGE. Kennel Club Assured Breeders can have action taken against them by the KC if they fail to adhere to the KC’s regulations. But before you trust that they have this accreditation always check with the Kennel Club itself to confirm that they do in fact currently hold this status. Some scammers may tell you they are ‘Kennel Club breeders’. This means nothing if they are just registering litters!
Be cautious of using the Kennel Club’s ‘Find A Puppy’ portal. The breeders who advertise on there are not checked or monitored by the Kennel Club.